Thursday, March 26, 2009

Its Actually Pretty Simple!

Just Say Know
by Russ Jahn

We do not believe that we have all of the answers. We do believe that we know what the questions are and how you can Be Free Again!
From the name of our organization, “Just Say Know”, one might think that we want to talk about drug and alcohol abuse and how to stop it. But that is not our primary purpose. Instead, we want to talk about what we believe causes the drug and alcohol addictions as substance addiction is merely the symptom to the underlying problem. We only wish to share our experience in identifying and treating the problem instead of treating the symptom... However it is also essential to first stop the physical act of using the alcohol or drug. We cannot stress the fact enough that alcohol and drug abuse are not the problem! They are simply the devastating symptom(s) of our real, underlying problem!

So you may be asking yourself what the real underlying problem is? We believe that the genuine underlying problem is life: how we interpret it, how we deal with it, and how we feel about it and ourselves. Examples of this problem include feelings of not fitting in, not being good enough, or not being as good as others. To get over these feelings we use alcohol, drugs, or any other mood-altering chemical to make us feel good. Consequently become addicted to the alcohol, drugs, or mood-altering chemical – addicted to feeling that we fit in, feeling that we are good enough, or feeling as though we are as good as others... Our drug or alcohol addiction is simply used to deal with our feelings. Addictions come in many forms, with alcohol and drug abuse being most recognizable. But whatever form the addiction takes – alcohol, drugs, gambling, overeating – it can, and eventually will, be devastating to ourselves, family, and friends! We believe that the basis of life’s problems are feelings and how we deal with them.

Do you know the six primary feelings? Can you name them? They are:







Of these six there is only one “good” feeling; which is glad. The remaining five are “icky”, uncomfortable feelings. No one wants these! And of these five, the most detrimental and toxic feeling is shame!

We were taught [and most of us teach our children] to be ashamed of thoughts, words, deeds, and feelings. When we teach them right from wrong, and good from bad, essentially we just may be teaching them to be ashamed of themselves? Although they are things that must be learned, we must be careful on how we teach these principles! For example, a mother might ask her child, “How do you think that makes me feel?”, or “What will the neighbors think?”; and a father may say, “Be tough, don’t cry”, “Don’t get angry”, or “What have you got to cry about?”. When children are presented with this manner of being taught by their parents, a child may experiences any number of those five “icky” feelings. Moreover, the message being presented to the child is that those feelings are WRONG! And not only wrong, but also BAD! Further, when an adult tells a child, “we want you to grow up to be somebody”, what the child is likely hearing is that they are NOT somebody and should do BETTER! Although this may not be the intent of the adult, nevertheless, it is the message being conveyed... and shame necessarily attaches.

For us, parents, teachers, and clergymen always wanted us to do things right or perfectly. There was NO room for mistake or errors! We were expected to be perfect, and that is impossible – always leading to shame in being a failure... Consequently, as children we tend to hide failure with dishonesty. This becomes a learned behavior. Ironically, Chapter Five in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous reiterates that hope in the recovery from alcoholism is only possible if the individual has the capacity to be HONEST! Has anyone reading this ever NOT lied? Why do we lie? Can you give one excuse or reason to lie? We believe that we lie to cover up a mistake – either real or imagined... Think about a lie that you have told... Was it to convince someone that you didn’t make a mistake or commit a wrong? We were taught that it is wrong to be wrong, and that when we admitted to a wrong or mistake, there are consequences that were almost always in the form of punishment; physical and/or verbal. We never received discipline!

Stated simply, we must teach children that it is okay to make mistakes. We also need to allow them to make mistakes. We must teach them that there are consequences, but that consequences will first begin with discipline, only followed by punishment is necessary... Discipline means “to teach”. How do we teach? Perhaps we share our experiences with making mistakes and how we felt when we made them?

In the beginning we said that we don’t have all the answers. We do believe that we know the questions: How do you feel? How do I feel? Is it okay to feel the way I do? Is it okay to make mistakes?
What are we teaching children about feelings – what to do with those feelings, and where to go with those feelings? We used bury our feelings through drug and alcohol abuse because the shame was overwhelming! How are children interpreting what we teach them? Are we teaching them that they don’t have to feel ashamed? Or do our children watch us drown our feelings in a drug or alcohol induced fantasy?
What is the message that we are sending? The answer to that question can mean the difference of whether or not the viscous cycle of drug and alcohol abuse manifests itself in your family.


  1. THE TRUTH ABOUT ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUSFiled under: Rants — spedman @ Jun 22nd, 2007When you think about Alcoholics Anonymous you think of a group that helps those with an addiction break the habit and become sober.

    You think of a program that betters someone with an addiction to alcohol.

    What you do not think is cult. The truth is alcoholics anonymous is simply a cult, one of the longest lasting ones at that. Throughout this paper I will prove to you just that.

    Alcoholics Anonymous was created by two alcoholics by the names of William Wilson and Dr. Bob in 1935. They wrote books on the subject and gathered at arranged meetings every week to talk about their addiction.

    The program grew from there and they recruited many people with the enticing opportunity of becoming sober once again.

    The problem is the program is so flawed and non-effective it is almost impossible to become sober using its set rules and guidelines.

    Alcoholics Anonymous still uses these books as there doctrine today, even though they have proven not effective. How can a program be created around guidelines written by two men who continually fell back into alcoholism? I see no way it can possibly work. Aside from its ineffectiveness, Alcoholics Anonymous runs solely on intimidation, false hopes, and the forced belief in god. Regardless of what Alcoholics denies it is very evident they promote religion.

    As stated above Alcoholics Anonymous denies that they promote religion, yet constantly they say that its members must find god. It seems to me that that is promotion of religion. Federal courts even deemed Alcoholics Anonymous “unequivocally religious.” Through out AA’s history you can find thousands of remarks dealing with religion and even the sole belief that the only thing that matters is the AA program.

    Everything else must come second to AA. Here are a few things commonly stated at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings; “Alcoholics must turn to god.”, “Choosing to go to AA is choosing to find god.”, “Submission of the individual to the will of god is necessary.”, “Surrender your will to a greater will.”, “If you cannot manage yourself turn to god.”

    If you cannot see that those statements are in every way religious I don’t know what will.
    Aside from those statements the two founders often say that the member must rely on the program and the program alone.

    If you read through their books you will be amazed at some of the things they say, often putting the program above family and other aspects of life.

    I was truly amazed at this quote from William Wilson; “I decided I must place AA above everything else, even my family, because if I did not maintain sobriety I would lose them anyway.” A man placed the AA program above his family, regardless of the reason that is a very strong sense of commitment.

    Many AA members read those very same words. If a founder gave up his family, would not a member do the same? “But there is one who has all power—the one is god! May you find him now?”, Simply put, AA is religious.

    Alcoholics Anonymous as a group does many of the same things dangerous cults like the Manson family or Jones town did. But first we will talk about the founders of AA. Bill Wilson has become idolized.

    Much like the way everyone in the Manson family did whatever Charlie said without question. His home has become a shrine, and his belongings have become highly sought after items by the 12 Step community.

    Some members even believe that he could possibly have been the reincarnation of Christ. The core members, although they deny having any leaders in AA, are often referred to as “trusted servants.”

    This label tags these members, the trusted servants, with a great amount of moral authority because the regular AA members believe that these members are representing AA’s history back to Bill W. and even to the Loving God AA obediently serves. Clearly this is cult like behaviour!

    Let’s talk about the effectiveness of the program. The 12 Step program is NOT effective. If it were not for one leaked document there would not be much proof of to aide these remarks.

    Alcoholics Anonymous never releases any sort of documentation on the success of rehabilitating alcoholics. So naturally they can say they are the greatest in the world or that they have a 100% success rate.

    But, in 1989 an internal document was released, and on this document was statistics. It showed that 81% of AA members leave after one month, 90% of AA members leave after three months, 93% of AA members leave after six months, and 95% of AA members leave before twelve months.

    Alcoholics Anonymous has a success rate of 5%! It gets better. A percentage as small as 5% is considered to be spontaneous. This means that those 5% would have recovered without Alcoholics Anonymous. Let me break it down one more time just to make sure you get it. Success rate with AA: 5%, success rate without AA: 5%.

    A side note, Hospitals gave alcoholics LSD, a hallucinogen type drug, to break down alcohol cravings. This abnormal treatment had a 15% success rate, theoretically proving that LSD is three times more effective at recovering alcoholics then Alcoholics Anonymous.

    A former Alcoholics Anonymous spokes person said; “A majority of AA members slip after one month. Others stay dry up to six months but eventually slip before the twelfth month.” Coming from a former spokesperson I think maybe people should take that into consideration.

    Another quote from a spokesperson; “95% of newcomers do not ever attend a second meeting.” How great can your policy be if you cannot even entice people to come more than once? The 5% of people who join AA would quit on their own. No need for the middle man.

    Despite this alarming failure rate, Alcoholics Anonymous claims to be the only path to salvation. Alcoholics Anonymous tells its members that they must accept its doctrine despite its discrepancies.

    The 12 Step program provides no methods of quitting, simply to just quitting drinking. How many people do you know that can simply quit an addiction? One would think that they would revise their methods to get better results.

    Instead AA just says their program requires an unquestioning belief in obedience. When the program doesn’t work they just blame the person for failing, it is never AA’s fault.

    The original founders tended to classify alcoholism as a “sin disease”. This is not possible. For one the philosophy of a “sin disease” is not possible in a free society. This is not a country run on religion.

    Therefore again proving AA to be religious. By slapping the idea of alcoholism being a sin on its members it again gains the upper hand and has the ability to control its members by saying anything they want as long as it’s in the name of god. As soon as you go to AA it is very hard to get away.

    Remember, it is a cult. AA is very possessive. They go to great lengths to bring you back. There are documentations of intimidation tactics being used, continuous phone calls, members often telling you that you will be damned if you do not return. They take growing their ranks very seriously.

    Let’s break AA down. Alcoholics Anonymous is a highly religious group that thrives on the writings of its founders and put all of their belief in the writings and the 12 Step program.

    Regardless of if it actually works. The members put the core members and the program above anything else in their lives. If it were necessary for AA to have the deed of their house they would give it to them.

    They do not second guess anything AA tells them to do, remember it is “gods will.” If a member becomes an alcoholic again, it is in no way the program’s fault. The program always works as long as the member has total dedication and full belief in the power of “god.”Friends, if Alcoholics Anonymous is not a cult I don’t know what is. If you cannot see this by reading this paper then by all means go to any of the sources on my work cited paper.

    They have plenty of links and valid information based on Harvard studies and trustworthy sources. You can make your own decision, but it is very evident: Alcoholics Anonymous is unquestionably a cult.

  2. I've gotten Mickey's rants too. He's funny. Congrats on your sobriety.
